Your first visit will usually include a consultation similar to that of visiting your GP in a private consultation room, where you can discuss your health concerns and the reason for your visit.
If you're suffering from chronic neck or back pain, alternative medicine and acupuncture may be considered.
Acupuncture has been used as an alternative to more conventional treatment for musculoskeletal pain.
Depending on the severity of the pain, 6-7 weeks of acupuncture treatment (1 hour session per week) may be considered.
Make A Booking
Dr Josephine Zhuo (TCM) is an AHPRA registered health practitioner - acupuncturist and herbalist. Please call to make a booking:
Acupuncture Frenchs Forest
Book Online or call (02) 9453 3046
Shop 7, 55 Sorlie Road, Frenchs Forest